Oil and gas production platforms deal with inflammable materials 24/7, so fire-prevention rules are strict. Even so, fires do break out, and you need some way of dealing with them – fast. It is crucial for rigs to be equipped with a reliable fixed fire fighting system that will activate immediately. With SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist from SEM-SAFE Fire Safety A/S optimum fire fighting is covered.
Customized platforms
Every platform is unique. That’s why our fire fighting systems are easily integrated into the specific structure and layout of your platform, covering all potential hotspots without overreaching your budget. Our engineers have developed fire fighting systems that satisfy the highest demands for reliability, operational safety and life-long technical support.
Protected areas
The SEM-SAFE® system can cover accommodation areas as well as engine rooms; the system includes total flooding and local application.
The total flooding system protects many types of hazards, whether it is gas turbines, diesel engines, steam turbines, compressors or switch gears.
The SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist system is of a modular design. It is compact and has low system weight.
For fire protection of offshore rigs, drill ships or FPSOs, please do not hesitate to contact us via :
An offshore rig protected with SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist system.
Read more about our fire fighting system for other types of vessels here.