
Freiburger Brandschutztag 2019

Published 27 September 2019

SEM-SAFE Fire Safety will attend Freiburger Brandschutztag 2019 congress & exhibition.

Topic of this event is “Fire protection in timber buildings”.

Opening date:
Wednesday, 02. October 2019 – 08:00 – 18:00

Ballsaal Berlin, Europa Park
Europa-Park-Straße 4+6
77977 Rust

Fire protection and wood construction? 

At first one might wonder how timber buildings and fire protection can be managed and what safety measures need to be taken to make timber buildings as safe as possible in case of a fire. Appropriate regulations, proper fire division of the floors and the installation of a certified, fixed fire fighting system are some of the means to ensure best fire safety in a timber building, even a tall building made of timber.

Wood seems to be more and more used in construction of buildings. The building sector is focusing on sustainable construction, with architects and designers trending towards more organic space environment for which wood often seems to be the best solution.

Our SEM-SAFE® high-pressure ware mist system is the optimal fire safety solution for timber tall buildings, with one pump unit being able to cover all areas in the building. Water mist has excellent fire suppression properties including capture of soot particles, strong reduction of radiant heat and rapid lowering of the temperature to acceptable level.

Visit our stand at Freiburger Brandschutztag 2019, where Thomas Helmle, Business Development Manage is looking forward to sharing knowledge about fire safety in timber tall building. Among other, you can learn details about SKAIO project in Germany- the tallest timber building in Germany- fully protected with SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist system for fire safety. See fire test video from SKAIO by clicking on below picture:

SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist fire protection in SKAIO timber building, Germany

Thomas Helmle:

About Freiburger Brandschutztag 2019

Congress with exhibition will be organised the sixth times in 2019. Topic of the event is fire protection and regulation in wood buildings.

Visit the official website and read more about the event and agenda.


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