
PrevenzioneIncendItalia 2021

Published 10 February 2021
Accredited series of webinar & seminars dedicated to fire safety professionals & parties interested to hear latest trends, technologies, and regulations in the fire protection sector in Italy & Europe.

The events are organised by PrevenzioneIncendItalia, an association committed to fire safety engineering and to providing a knowledge and promotion platform for the performance-based approach to fire fighting.

SEM-SAFE Fire Safety has been deeply involved in the PrevenzioneIncendItalia activities.

In 2021, the journey continues… 

Antonio Terio, our fire safety specialist, will be a keynote speaker at 6 events in Italy. See below the preliminary program and available registration links. The program will be updated with links, addresses and other details, as we get closer to each event. 

All presentations are in Italian. However, please contact Antonio for possibility to get separate English sessions, for inquiries to discuss specific project solutions or for organising a 1:1 chat.

*TBA= To Be Announced

Antonio Terio U330143

Antonio Terio

Sales & Business Development Manager Italy
SEM-SAFE Fire Safety

“The major part of my presentations will cover fire safety challenges & solutions in data centres & in high-rise buildings and why & how high-pressure water mist technology is an efficient technology for fire protection.

Furthermore, I will introduce you to the SEM-SAFE® fire hose reel cabinet with spray gun, an immediate tool for fire brigade and non-professionals in case of a fire.

Last but not least I will show some references with our reliable & smart fire safety solutions.

I have more than 15 years of experience in the fire protection community, including all areas of the fire fighting industry.

Look forward to welcoming you there!


Check out our brochures about high-pressure water mist for fire safety in data centres, high-rise buildings and how to improve safety with the SEM-SAFE® fire hose reel cabinet with spray gun

Improve safety with SEM-SAFE® fire hose reel cabinet in any building

EN     IT


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